Sunday, June 05, 2005

About me

A reader of this blog (I was very excited to find that I have at least one definite reader! :-) told me that it would be nice to post some information about myself here, since I basically just launched this site out of the blue without doing so. So here goes:

Name: Shane Stein
Age: 26
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Immediate Family (i.e. family that I live with): Married to Tracey. Extended family: Parents, two brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
Occupation: Just graduated from MBA program at Wharton, and looking for a job. I'm actually close to signing with a particular company in another state, but it hasn't officially happened yet, so I won't mention it here for the moment.
Goals for this blog: Write some good music reviews and other interesting tidbits that will hopefully entertain readers and make it worthwhile to read these entries.


Blogger João Amaro Correia said...

hi, i'm portuguese and i have a "harblog" too:

see you, joão

2:23 PM  
Blogger Shane said...

Sounds great, nice blog too. Unfortunately I can't read it (I don't know Portuguese at all), but I definitely like the name :-)

4:06 PM  

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