Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ringo Starr and more Matisyahu

Ringo Starr probably has had the least musically illustrious solo career of all the former Beatles, but his newest album Choose Love is just phenomenal. I like it so much, in fact, that I reviewed it on, as printed below in slightly revised form:

"I never thought I'd be saying this in 2005, but Ringo Starr has delivered his best album ever. I love much of his early '70s work (Ringo and Goodnight Vienna in particular), but this one truly takes the cake. The songs are all short, catchy, energetic, contain artsy touches of unpredictability while entirely maintaining focus, and have a great early Beatles feel to them. Ringo sings wonderfully, his drumming is excellent, and his backing band is topnotch. The album's production also has a very classic feel, and it all sounds fresh even after multiple listenings. No filler on the CD either; every song is truly a standout. (Although if I had to name some favorites, they'd be "Fading In Fading Out", "Give Me Back The Beat" and "Free Drinks.") Hope he brings this stuff out on tour!"

And on an unrelated note, Matisyahu (from the post below) has announced plans to release a new studio album in January: If he can capture even half of his amazing live show in the studio, this one should be a classic.


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7:50 PM  

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