Thursday, September 15, 2005


Well, it's been a while since I've posted here, and I still plan to review those Beach Boys albums (as well as continue the site beyond them) when I get the chance. Unfortunately, work has really gotten in the way as of late. I had plenty of free time when I began this blog because I was on summer vacation (between MBA graduation and starting my current job). But now that work has really kicked into gear, it has been tough to find time to craft thoughtful reviews. (I'd rather wait than write substandard pieces.)

So I'm going to put this blog on hiatus for the moment. I suppose I don't really need to make a formal announcement considering my lack of posting over the last month, but I did want to let any readers know what's going on.

Hopefully things will settle down soon; I have certainly enjoyed writing about music, and would love to continue the blog in the future. Until then, please feel free to scroll through the archives, and I look forward to resuming it as time permits.